as the product of an alcoholic parent:
Ronald Reagan's Presidency: The Impact of an Alcoholic ParentSource: Political Psychology, Volume 29, Number 5, October 2008 , pp. 737-765(29)
Ronald Reagan enjoyed a successful political career. Nevertheless, his political life was affected dramatically by the fact that he was the son of an alcoholic parent. Alcoholic parents leave deep marks on their children's lives, even after those children become adults. As president of the United States, Reagan clearly demonstrated these marks. He was aloof and distant, was often a disengaged leader, showed inordinate loyalty to associates even when such loyalty became problematic, was prone to live in a world of make-believe, married compulsive women, and craved approval and applause. Each of these behavioral characteristics was part of the psychological legacy left to this president by his long-dead alcoholic father. Some of them damaged his presidency greatly; others, however, may well have assisted it. as to indicate to his corporate handlers his ability to conduct himself as a hard-hearted, like-minded Bohemian Grove Illuminati who's ultimate approval he sought; Reagan, as a mere for instance; well-establishing in advance his disdain for unions (and ultimately air controllers), sold his own SAG union flock down the river in wage negotiations by hood-winking & nodding behind the scenes with Hollywood studio moguls while securing his own,
personal screen/tube longevity via the media base & source of his Gov & presidential launch into national & world politics through such seemingly innocuous projects as welcoming Disneyland (The Happiest Place On Earth) to a post world war II world of consumerism on behalf of Monsanto, IBM, ADM, flying elephants, fairies, plundered treasure, and dead men telling no tales, etc, oh! -- and Death Valley Days - 20 Mule Team & Borax laundry soap for that matter... there anything wrong with this? To seek the approval of oppressors & propagandist' so completely as to exclude everyone else but for one's self and one's *mommy*?
Maybe not...maybe so,
But a resultant can be that handlers of such people need only slip them platitudes for what amounts to the soul of a country; America for instance, while only needing to be convincing enough to deliver a line,">"The Bombing starts in 5min". But you can hear it in their voices. McCain's, while being an Irish smart ass as was Reagan, *bomb-bomb Iran* was half hearted. He couldn't get the words out right cause he didn't really reeeaallllly believe in them. He was just trying to be a M-I-C/Reagan-esque smart ass. Even Reagan's voice was hyperventilating, however...if nothing else he knew he was playing the part of his life and didn't want to blow it; so he'd be asked back at some point to 'read' again. And the right has been looking for someone that either believes it (the best of all cases), doesn't give a shit, or
is able to deliver those lines
while they do whatever they do for garden variety psychiatric response mechanism' such as applause, approval, and the smiling donations of a corporate world i.e. Reagan, Bush, and grab your whatever cause you know she's coming back: Sara Palin -- believes in well less than what she is saying, understands even less of it than that, able to deliver a line, tele-genic, and dumb as a bag of door knobs.
Try for a moment to forget Reagan's trickle down/voodoo economics as hard as that may be; Reagan's greater destruction of America has been in his having succeeded in debasing, devaluing, and rending not the office...but The President of These United States of America himself/herself, if not very careful, into a faceless smiling shape-shifting corporate shill that will do anything up to & including make war for no reason while pushing everyone else's GrandMa on their ass for a house in a secure community such as Pacific Palisades, CA