perhaps you might have asked why I said that instead of assuming that I must mean that "Obama's policies are just like bush's". Is that the only possible reason why nothing much will change? Could, for example, deadlock in the Senate stalemate all efforts to enact substantial change regardless of Obama's intentions? Is that possible? No of course not. Instead what I must have meant is that all of Obama's policies will be identical to Bush's.
In fairness to your flippant insulting response, many of Obama's policies will in fact be quite similar to Bush's. Consider the stupid bullshit Global War On Terror. Obama has no intention of ending that insanity, no he intends to win this purported war by killing lots more Afghanis. I see that as the same shit sandwich with a new wrapper. I still voted for the guy knowing that. His decision to keep Gates on doesn't bode well for Iraq either. My guess is that he will buy into the current Light at the End of the Tunnel theory and not withdraw within two years, and probably not within his first term.
So what I actually think is that generally where Obama's policies differ little from the current Washington Consensus bullshit, he will have success in implementing those policies, and where his policies differ from the status quo, where they represent significant change, success will be rare at best. As I wrote, health care is perhaps one area where some good might really happen, and that is nothing to sneer at. Obama ran as a centrist in a country that is one of the most rightist democracies on the planet. That makes him a center-right politician. He will not make huge changes. I still voted for him and continue to support his administration.
I freely admit to being a pessimist on these matters. The last two Democratic Presidents gleefully participated in the rightward lurch of our system. If events prove me wrong, it is all good.