Edited on Fri Dec-26-08 03:45 PM by HypnoToad
I've responded to others' threads, but those four or five in a sea of four- or five-thousand; it is worth repeating.
I do agree with Mr Warren that hopping into bed with every person I'd find attractive is wrong. (for reasons of my health, the other's health, self-respect, respect of the other, plus a handful of other legitimate reasons too... yes, contrary to populist belief I do give a damn about other people - more than they could begin to appreciate. Pity they're so goddamn blind to their own beliefs to be bothered to think of apparently useless things called "perspectives". But I let my emotions show AND digress.)
I disagree that Mr Warren consciously equates all GLBT people as being floozies and pedophiles and everything else nasty under the sun. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't listen to the guy and, indeed, there are only so many ways to break peoples' stereotypes they accord unto others... again, I've digressed.
I am technically bisexual. I am attracted to humans of both genders. Most people have attractions to varying extents. Seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? I'd rather define my life on what's more unique than what's commonplace. Can't get more commonplace than sexuality, especially when the media of today seems to do little else than exploit it for increased ratings figures.
What I do with my body and how I respond to sexual urges is my choice.
My sexuality is not my life. Or, rather, my life isn't so pathetic it has got to be defined by a) my orientation b) what the mainstream in the GLBT "community" dictates
Indeed, in the past I've spoken up against various aspects of "pride festivals" because they add to negative stereotypes. And everybody knows the media will zoom in on those factions first, but that's not the point. Or why I'm bothering here and now anyway.
Nobody, least of all others in my "community" that think I sleep with everybody or those who think I'm just a closeted homosexual, and all the other delightful stereotypes in between, will change that. I will control my body. I will choose whom I will be in bed with and WHY I go to bed with said person in the first place.
I'm here. I'm stuck in the middle. And now I'm roaring (for what little good it'll do, which is why I don't often roar).