It just occurred to me-is he Rosie's brother?
Interviewing for the Job of U.S. Senator
By Jeremy W. Peters

Assemblyman Daniel J. O’Donnell (Photo: Mike Groll/Associated Press)
Perhaps not since the last season of Donald J. Trump’s NBC series “The Apprentice” was filmed in Manhattan have New Yorkers seen more competition for a single job.
And all that vying — for the seat that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is expected to give up if she is confirmed as secretary of state — has made Gov. David A. Paterson’s office a very busy place these days.
Enter the latest contender to sit down face to face with the governor: Assemblyman Daniel J. O’Donnell, a Democrat who represents the Upper West Side. Mr. O’Donnell met with Mr. Paterson for about 45 minutes on Monday afternoon in the governor’s Midtown office for what Mr. O’Donnell said was his formal interview for the Senate seat.
To say Mr. O’Donnell, known for his active support of gay rights issues, including same-sex marriage, was overly optimistic about his chances would be a stretch. He put his odds of getting the seat at about one in 10, or “about the same as the population of gay people in the world.” But Mr. O’Donnell did offer that he believes the governor has yet to settle on a final choice.
“I didn’t get the impression that a decision was coming anytime soon,” Mr. O’Donnell said. “I have the sense that he was really weighing what people were saying. I can tell when people are listening to me and actually listening, and listening to me just because they’re supposed to listen. He seemed to be very intent on focusing on and absorbing what I think my strengths might be.”