Okay, "Birther" attorney Philip J. Berg has a press release out about the story coming out in the latest (12 Jan) issue of the "Globe" supermarket tabloid.....
Now, never mind the Globe is one of the bottom feeders as that genre of press goes, they're all hoping for an Edwards redux.
http://www.obamacrimes.info/pressrelease010309.html"Berg stated, “This is the 2nd time GLOBE Magazine has highlighted the question of Obama’s lack of ‘qualifications’ to be President. More and more people are aware of the fact that Obama does not meet the ‘qualifications’ and that this is the biggest ‘Hoax’ perpetrated on the citizens of the United States in 230 years. When the truth finally comes out, individuals including Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, Howard Dean , other top officials of the DNC and senior campaign staff of Obama’s campaign should be brought into the criminal justice system and indicted and tried with incarceration for those convicted.”
The story is the center spread. There's also a poll where you can Cast Your Vote: Truth or Vicious Smear? Was Barack Obama actually born in Kenya and therefore not legally eligible to serve as President? Or are the mounting claims against him just part of a vicious smear campaign to discredit him? Here's a chance for you to have your say!"Here's the deal. It's an email poll.
"If you're convinced Obama is a natural born citizen, e-mail us at: CitizenObama@globefl.com
If you're convinced he is NOT, e-mail us at: NoCitizenObama@globefl.com "Right now you know the Freepers, Birthers, and other nutcases are busy flooding the Globe's mail servers with their propaganda.
Anyone want to send some truth to them instead??
*Chuckle* And this issue should be out around the time Obama is getting the electoral votes certified and at least two cases, (including one of Berg's) will more than likely be dismissed....