I was about to post this yesterday on another thread - about freepers whining over Obama's victory. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA - in, well, just SIXTEEN DAYS! I changed my mind and didn't, 'cause I thought it was too mean. But you know what? Fuck it. After being subjected to abuse and mockery, having my car keyed and one of my tires slashed because some knuckledragger didn't like my anti-bush, anti-war, pro-Howard Dean bumper stickers (and MY DAUGHTER was driving it at the time, so they threatened HER life, too), having endured multiple middle-finger salutes (and other rude gestures), put-downs, insults, arrogance, condescension, and murderous threatening looks on the freeway (in which I momentarily feared for my life that this asshole in the big pickup truck in the lane next to me was gonna try to run me off the road - NEVER saw a look like that coming at me before, or since - quite terrifying), FUCK it. I'm posting this. Schadenfreude time, my brothers and sisters. I feel as though I've earned it.
Besides, when I think of what their attitudes, their lies, hate, divisiveness, cruelty, smugness, and the assholes they've forced ont he rest of us and what their assholes have done to this country - well, I think THEY'VE earned it, too.
Starting with an excerpt of an earlier thread (Freepers Furious at imminent Caroline Appointment: "Stupid, incoherent liberal b*tch"
Posted by Roberto1223) - Sorry - I forgot to keep the link:
To: Sub-Driver
This is so incredibly frustrating on so many levels. Not the least of which, is with respect to competency and the suspicious eye (or what should be) of the media.
Despite Sarah Palin's somewhat rough showing with a handful of hostile interviews, she was/is unquestionably more qualified for elected office than Caroline Kennedy. Of course, everyone knows what the MSM reaction was to Gov. Palin. But, there has been ZERO critical comments coming from ANY Big Media outlets with regard to Caroline dubious qualifications to hold such a powerful and important position.
This is going to be a long, long four years. Barack Obama will be able to get away with anything.
"This is going to be a long, long four years" - well boo fucking hoo.
Who's crying now? :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity:
Like I care.
Actually, I take that back. I DO care. I hope they hurt like hell. And to sub-driver my friend, I hope PRESIDENT Barack Obama - um - let me say that again - PRESIDENT Barack Obama, actually I forgot - PRESIDENT Barack HUSSEIN Obama "gets away" with all kinds of stuff. Because whatever he's up to is going to be GOOD for our country after eight years of absolute near-Biblical plagues. And the freepers can just eat shit. For at least a long, long EIGHT years.
And you know what else? Senator Caroline Kennedy? If they're hating it, I figure there must be something GREAT about it. So let it be written, so let it be done. And sub-driver, you and your friends can just go get bent.
Sorry, just had to stick it in and twist it. After the eight years they've spent doing to us, I don't mind dishing out a little payback. They've MORE than earned it. And it's certainly well-deserved. Back atcha, you UN-American, traitorous, war-criminal-loving schmucks!
I know, I know, I should rise above it. Should be kind and gracious and elegant in victory. After all, that's what Obama's whole thing is about and that's how he behaved throughout the campaign - no mudwrestling whatsoever. He rose above it from the beginning. And I'll get there. Maybe even a few hours from now. But not at this moment. Taste of their own medicine. See how they like it. A little mortification is good for the soul - especially in their case (assuming they even have any).
There's an older couple in our neighborhood whom I met at the annual block party up at the top of our block last September. They were charming until the subject turned to politics. I commented on how shocked and insulted I felt by the meanness voiced during the republi-CON convention by the likes of rudy giuliani and the Tundra Tart, and how cruel their remarks were about community organizers. And this couple immediately went into this AWFUL mode - suddenly, they put their Mean on. They started snickering loudly and sneering and the woman had to hold her hand up in front of her mouth as she guffawed and the man sort of fell toward her as they propped each other up, laughing. I couldn't help it - I took offense. I have friends who are community organizers. I love what they do and how they help people - sometimes people in real and desperate need. They do it in many cases voluntarily, some paid independently of any tax money. And especially now with times as tough as they've become across this country, the work of community organizers becomes more critical and vital than ever! Especially as government funds and programs that were already shrinking are drying up and disappearing completely. Community organizers make up the only safety net we've got left, in increasing numbers of cases. They really help people, dammit! I've even dabbled in it myself on a very small scale. And I took offense. And they laughed and scoffed at me.
I walk my dog around the neighborhood several times a day - taking the long route frequently (when I suspect she needs to poo - and yes I always clean it up). The longer circuit takes me past the house where that couple lives. And every time I pass it, I chuckle to myself and quietly say "...20 days." The next evening it'd be "...19 days." Last night it was "...18 days." Tonight, before midnight when I took the dog out, it was "...17 days." And if I take the dog out again now that it's after midnight pacific time, it'll be "...SIXTEEN days!" With a little wave and chuckle as I stroll by.
And it gives me TREMENDOUS pleasure. As I pass their house, I delight myself in thinking "a community organizer just cleaned your guy's clock." And I think that to myself every time I see the woman walking her dog. I'm always nice and pleasant and like-it-never-happened (she certainly is quite cordial and well-behaved these days, too - maybe she's had a chastening of her own?). But YOU know what I'm thinking.
THERE! Thanks for putting up with me!
I think.