It is a thing of beauty, Some guy posts the question then just sits back and waits.
He gets quite a few of the president doesn't create jobs, the government just gets in the way of capitalism. So he responds with, fine, who got out of the way better?
Finally someone has the answer and this is where it gets really good. He responds "why are the unemployment numbers so much different between the two Administrations?
He gets the righties in a cluster fuck of responses, "because Bush ran at almost full employment, what would you rather have people working or more jobs created, DUH!" Then a conservative actually drops the bomb of truth that Reagan changed the methodology for reporting unemployment, thus the rate would be worse under Bush.
The guy laid the bait out there got the little fishes to bite, then hooked up the little fishy's and got the Big Asshole fishy's to take the second round of bait.
Good thing to always remember when the righties go off on Carter, their hero Bush did much worse on these specific economic indicators.