No matter how much the conservatives, in both parties, keep pounding on this theme it is still false and misleading.
What "post partisan" means is "do not fight for the principles and ideals of the party" and the purpose of that is to improve the chances of getting re-elected. In other words, it is the worst sort of partisanship - "our team" above princi0les and ideals, and yes the public is fed up with that type of partisanship.
"War" has already been declared by the right wing, and I don't know how anyone can fail to see that. The question is whether or not we fight back. Hoping that there will not be a confrontation, that there is some nice and easy way out, is simply out of step with reality and out of step with the needs and aspirations of the people.
The people are tired of cynical partisan maneuvering - making decisions based on gaining and keeping power - they are not tired of principles and ideals.
How did so many Democrats get brainwashed into thinking that standing and fighting for the principles and ideals of the party works against practicality and success? The opposite is true. Throughout history, the times when the Democrats fought for the ideals and principles are the times when they had the greatest electoral success.
As Democrats, we know that our programs and ideas are not merely about "what we want," mot merely "smarter" ideas, nor are they some "product" that needs to be cleverly sold to the people, nor are they something that we need to pander and triangulate in order to fool the people into supporting, but rather they represent fighting for the needs and aspirations of the people. Since this is a representative democracy, fighting for the people will always gain the people's support and will always lead to electoral success.
We must fight for the people. We can fight for the people. The people have asked us to fight for them. The way to get the support of the people is to fight for them, and the way to do that is to stand up and speak out for the traditional principles and ideals of the party and to give no quarter to those who would destroy the people - those fighting tooth and nail night and day for the political right wing.'
The people hate manipulating, maneuvering, compromising, caving, posturing, and triangulating. They do not hate those who fight for the have-nots - almost all of us - who battle back courageously against the few who are preying on and destroying the people.
Saying that we should ignore and compromise on principles and ideals for the sake of political success, and justifying that by saying that the "people hate both the left and the right," is promoting the very type of cynical partisanship that the people do hate.