Loyalty Oath Thread. Will you support your candidate to
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Thu Jan-08-04 01:54 AM
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Loyalty Oath Thread. Will you support your candidate to |
the death? Will you fight at the barricades? Will you go to the mattresses?
Or...will you hopscotch around and support the last man standing?
Or some gradation between?
Do tell.
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Thu Jan-08-04 01:56 AM
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1. do what I can till he withdraws if he does |
If he does, I become undecided, I dont really have a fall to candiate. However who ever comes out of Boston late July will have my support.
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Thu Jan-08-04 01:59 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. hey. that's a good reply to a somewhat tongue in cheek |
thread. There are quite a few in your shoes. In fact, now that I've pegged Dean as my #1...it's hard to choose for me on #2 between Kerry and Clark.
This could be a good topic of conversation not focused on any one candidate and his/her followers.
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:01 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. Reason why I dont plan to have a number 2 is the stress I get |
Now if it had to be, it would be Kerry. I've only met a few Dean supporters who have Kerry and Dean in the top of their list, got a friend like that though. Thanks.
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Thu Jan-08-04 01:57 AM
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and have opted out of gaming the primaries. Civil wars don't sit well with me.
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:00 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
I don't want to have a bunch of arguing and caterwauling clear up until the nomination. LEt's unite for sanity and against Bush.
Democrats unite
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:02 AM
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6. I will support the Democratic Nominee... |
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:12 AM
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7. I never go with the crowd. I always vote my conscience. |
I've voted for lots of people who I knew had already lost the nomination. THe primary is when I get to feel good about myself.
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:16 AM
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8. Fascists love loyalty oaths! |
McCarthyism is alive and well in America.
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:35 AM
Response to Reply #8 |
Why am I seeing so much Red Baiting here lately? Wazzup with that?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:04 AM
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