It seems to me that the best way to ensure that Iran goes nuclear is to continue the Bush policy of talking about seeking regime change, engaging in covert activities to undermine their government, and/or mentioning World War III when talking about them. I don't think Obama and Clinton are going to continue any of these activities, particularly since they won't have PNAC guiding their foreign policy decisions.
As Michael Moore suggested in his most recent book ("Mike's Election Guide 2008"), I believe that we should assume the default position that Iran does NOT have any WMD until or unless somebody shows us the actual bomb and even then I myself am probably not going to worry about it unless Iran actually starts THREATENING another country (i.e. Israel). I'm not talking about some broad anti-Israel remarks (which everybody in the arab world makes on a regular basis) but I mean literally amassing troops and/or threatening to attack/invade another country (with or without WMDs). I don't honestly believe that Iran is suicidal enough, however, to actually attack us or Israel unless we back them into a corner and/or attack them first and, after 8 years of Bushco and its unfettered support for Israel I imagine that they probably feel pretty threatened. Hopefully, however, Obama and Clinton can help make them feel safe enough so they won't feel like they HAVE to resort to developing WMDs and maybe even rebuild some of the post-9/11 good will between the US and Iran that apparently existed, at least before Bushco went and included them as part of his so-called "Axis-of-Evil".
That being said, I think that Obama should make non-proliferation of WMD his administration's top priority including stopping any further development of our own WMD arsenal and offering positive incentives (and not just "we'll let you live" incentives either) for countries including Iran NOT to develop WMD in the first place and/or reduce and eventually eliminate any WMD arsenal already in existence.