Edited on Tue Jan-13-09 09:05 AM by DFW
"Vencerán, pero no convencerán. Vencerán porque tienen la fuerza bruta. Pero no convencerán, porque para convencer hay que persuadir. Y para persuadir, necesitan Ustedes algo que les falta: la razón."
Basque author Miguel de Unamuno, addressing the future Fascist conquerors of Spain.
"You will conquer, but you will not convince. You will conquer because you have brute force. But you will not convince because to convince, you have to persuade. And to persuade, you need something you lack: reason/being right*"
* in Spanish, the way Unamuno put it, it can be translated either way.
Cheneybush did have the brute force, but, as their 19% (or whatever it has dropped to these days) indicates, they ultimately did not convince.
Let us all hope that Obama is more interested in "convencer" than "vencer."
As far as I can tell, the alternative didn't turn out so well.