he was trying for the White House. He lived in Midland, in Connecticut, in Andover Massachusetts, a short bus ride to Boston, he lived in Kennebunkport ME, he lived in New Haven CT and Boston MA...he lived in Houston, Dallas, even in Alabama while he was shirking guard duty, and in DC for a time while "Deddy" was CIA and then some...now, these aren't MEGA-cities, but they aren't little one horse towns either. And Dumbo also travelled, prior to entering public life, to the UK and to China and elsewhere, though he may have been so shitfaced he didn't remember.
And Bill Clinton, after his Hope days, moved to Little Rock, which isn't huge, but it's about as happening as Honolulu. And he went to New Haven, CT to Yale (which is not horribly inconvenient to Boston and NY), and London, to Oxford, and travelled the globe, to Russia and points beyond as a grad student--it's not like he was some rube off the turnip truck coming into the White House straight outta Hope, scratching his ass.
JFK lived in Brookline, a suburb of Boston with Boston and Cambridge merely a trolley and T ride away. There's no real dividing line, either, it's a smooth blend from 'burb to city--more like a neighborhood than a separate entity. He also lived in LONDON as a young boy, when his father was Ambassador. He was by no means an unsophisticated rube, either.
LBJ may have been from Texas, but he lived for DECADES in Washington DC as a Congressman, Senator (and Majority Leader) and as Vice President before he became President.
Yes, Obama's lived in big cities. It is a point to note. He's lived in more big cities than any other president, certainly.
He did spend in formative years, though, the ones where he got the education that was his academic foundation, in Honolulu, which wasn't terribly big. Ergo, he's got a little of both going on. That's a good thing.
The effort to make the point, which is a valid one, is overshadowed by the author's eagerness to "compare and contrast" falsely, by making suggestions about others that don't stand up to a close look--like that Crawford assertion or the Hope throwaway.
And the NYC of TR was probably not unlike Obama's Honolulu, in terms of how busy it was back in the day.
The point, just to be clear, is valid. The article trying to make it, though, sucks.
It ruins the piece, IMO.