I see little single-issue silos where we can bury our noses in our navels, but no one forum devoted to actual bills being introduced, proposed, voted on, tabled, etc. and only those things. We need a place to keep track of the process, discuss what's happening, etc. As it stands now, either legislation gets tossed into a silo where those of us gazing at different navels can't find them or they only pop up in the big forums in a wave that mirrors the news cycle (and that's troubling, given the legislative process operates on an entirely different rhythm).
A forum devoted to such things will allow us to keep better track of what goes on.
Talk about electioneering is fun and necessary, but the legislative process is where power refills the snifter after the pundits pack up for the night.
So I hate to be a k and r hound, asking for change on the corner, but if you would like one forum where you could post the actual bills being introduced, written, voted on and then maybe actually learn about them, discuss them, and/or argue their merits, then feel free to put a little goodwill in my guitar case.
Now that we control the Halls of Congress and the White House we need not and must not be asleep at the wheel (or at least miss something because we stared too hard into the sun that is our pet issue).
And as always if I am or have missed something in this large forum, then all apologies apply. Either way, I know I'd participate more in the discussion, post less snark, and be an all-around better natured (semi)young(ish) chap with something like that around.