It just occurred to me that compared to most official political affairs in recent years (particularly those of Democrats) this is a 100%
Jesus Christ BLOW OUT extravaganza!!!. Today, I was thinking
why isn't there going to be a Buddhist? . And I read this article bemoaning the fact that a Christian (Robinson) will give the interfaith blessing for the Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Misc. being a Christian myself, all this worship of Jesus seems pretty old fashioned. But when you are a politician whose biggest weakness is the opposition's ability to link you to Terra-ists through the faith of your kinfolk in Africa, maybe it is natural for your political advisers to tell you to paint the halls
Christian when you throw a big media party. And not just run of the mill Christian. In your face Christian.
Sure, I would love to see the president-elect give some free ad time to my religion. But if he thinks he has to do this to get the public support he needs to overcome GOP filibusters of health care reform, I am willing to let him try and see how it works. His strategy has been pretty sound so far. He had better find some way to reconcile all the people who are angry about Warren, though, because they are not just going to forget about it.