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Wanna use David Brooks as a source

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dsc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 02:44 AM
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Wanna use David Brooks as a source
Edited on Thu Jan-08-04 02:52 AM by dsc
Then you own this crap too.

The post in question is quite peculiar, of that there can be little doubt. Is the post supposed to be weird fiction? Is it meant to be taken as autobiography? Here at THE HOWLER, we really can’t say. But the tale of Cheney’s human hunt is—how shall we put it?—extremely irregular. So you’ll know, here is the sort of first-person narrative on which David Brooks now wastes your time:

WEB SITE: My father’s sixth grade education had earned him a job as a worm digger for local sport fisherman. By the time I was six years old, however, his pornographic exploitation of my older brother Bill and me had provided enough income to move us into a bigger house nestled in the Michigan sand dunes. My father was right at home there. The tourists and drug dealers who littered the eastern shore of Lake Michigan further supplemented his income by paying for perverse sex with us children. My father also became involved in illicit drug sales.
Soon after we moved, my father was reportedly caught sending kiddie porn through the U.S. Mail. It was a bestiality film of me with my Uncle Sam’s Boxer dog, Buster. My Uncle Bob, also implicated in manufacturing the porn, informed my father of a U.S. Government Defense Intelligence Agency TOP SECRET Project to which he was privy—Project Monarch. This Project Monarch mind control operation was then, as now “recruiting” multigenerational incest abused children with Dissociative Identity Disorder for its “genetic mind control studies”. I was a prime “candidate”, a “chosen one”.

I had learned to read at the young age of four due to my photographic memory, which is the result of DID. Government researchers involved in MK Ultra Project Monarch knew about the photographic memory aspect of MPD, as well as other resultant “super human” characteristics. Visual acuity of an MPD is 44 times greater than that of the average person. My developed and unusually high pain threshold plus compartmentalization of memory were “necessary” for military and covert operations development. Additionally, my sexuality was primitively twisted since infancy. This programming was appealing to perverse politicians who believed they could hide their actions deep within my memory compartments cliniticians refer to as personalities.

As the narrative continues, our hero is sold into sexual bondage to a bunch of Big Major Republicans. Soon, he’s carted off to Wyoming, where he encounters Dick Cheney. We’ll spare you the details of what happens next, although they’re available at the link we have posted. But the lurid tale has a “grabber” headline. Cheney “has a history of playing HUNT THE HUMAN in Wyoming,” the banner headline memorably says. We’ll assume that this is the “hunt for humans” which has recently rocked Brooks’ world. We’ll assume that this is the tale receiving critique in paragraph 2 of a Times op-ed column.

end of quote

Why did I quote his weird stuff. Because Mr. Brooks did to say that "liberals were saying Dick Cheney hunts humans" in yesterday's New York Times. Remember that the next time you quote this bozo about any Democrat any time any where.
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SeveneightyWhoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 02:50 AM
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1. The Daily Howler... GOD!
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w13rd0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 02:51 AM
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That's damn funny. Seems David Brooks might have been searching for "odd" fiction porn and come across this gem.
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rumguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 03:07 AM
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3. The Howler does a number on Brooks...this is part 2
on the hit piece Brooks did in the NY Times smearing those who attack the neocons as anti-semitic...

I hope Brooks sees what the Howler has done to him...he's completely eviscerated and shown as a fraud....
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dsc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 10:21 AM
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4. kick
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