But according to Jarrett's logic, the incoming Obama administration itself will be the agent of change--and because of that, activists don't need to protest.
Ummm...no. Maybe it means what she actually said, which is that those particular issues are something Obama already understands. It means we can protest and organize about OTHER things instead of getting the President to agree with us on a few basic principles. It's ludicrous to suggest that Obama suddenly abandoned his core principles about empowering a grass roots movement when his campaign is currently working to do just that. Do the authors realize they undermine their own credibility when they intentionally mangle the meaning of a clear statement?
The Socialist Worker can't conceive of a democratic President being a change agent for a mass people's movement. Their cynicism about Democrats is blinding them to what's happening right under their noses.
http://my.barackobama.com/page/invite/thefutureWhile they caution us to not get too excited about Obama, he's busy building the kind of bottom-up movement they talk about but have never succeeded at creating. The real question is whether socialists and others on the left will participate in that movement to use it for positive change or will they keep telling us why we should be skeptical from the sidelines?
We haven't seen something like what Obama is doing since Huey Long's "Share the Wealth" clubs that had chapters around the country. If people want to move Obama left and help grow the progressive movement then getting to the next neighborhood Change meeting is a great way to do it.