<snip>A conservative Catholic group called has a new antiabortion ad to coincide with Barack Obama's inauguration. It attempts to use Obama's own biography to make the antiabortion case. The spot features this script flashing across the screen in between clips of a fetus in the womb:
This child's future is a broken home
he will be abandoned by his father
his single mother will struggle to raise him
despite the hardships he will endure
this child
will become
The 1st African American President
Imagine the Potential
You can watch the ad here:</snip>
From Dallas Morning News on the fiasco:
<snip>The ad suggests that Barack Obama's struggling, single mother might have chosen to abort her pregnancy -- and that the country would be poorer as a result.
There is no evidence, to my knowledge, that Obama's mother ever contemplated such a course.
And, really, couldn't you make the same argument about anyone? If Tim McVeigh's mom had had an abortion, might those 168 people in Oklahoma City still be alive?