Edited on Thu Jan-22-09 08:42 PM by MichiganVote
There is a man in the White House now who was legally and legitimately elected to serve US. Not you, not your lobbyists, not your corporate golfing buddies.
WE are taking back the power you have misused. WE have elected the man to do it. We have the power and he has the RIGHT to exercise it for us.
WELCOME to the real beginning of this century. No matter how much you will try to hold onto the BUSH BULLSHIT doctrine of the last miserable eight years--- WE'RE DONE WITH YOU.
Republicans, you sold us one war. Then another war. You drowned our cities, squandered our treasury and bankrolled thieves and spendthrifts.
You lied to us and stole our faith in a government WE PAY FOR as being "by the people and for the people."
SO GET OVER IT OR SUFFER THROUGH IT. The agenda of the American people is NOT your agenda. The President we have elected is OUR President. In two days he has done the people's business and we expect, we demand, that he continue.
Your wars are going to end. That is a statement of fact. Torture will end. Spying on us will end. These are changes that WE want done.
Republicans you have impoverished us in everything but our cold steely resolve that this nation will NOT dissolve any longer into a paralyzed state of fear. WE REFUSE YOUR OFFER TO FEEL WE ARE WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT.
CHANGE is no longer coming. IT IS HERE. Get on the bus or get run over by it. Its your choice.