58 Percent of Americans Think Obama’s GITMO Decision is Stupid
The Republican Liberty Caucus ^ | 1/23/2009 | Publicola
Posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 7:34:27 AM by obamaisandrogynous
So much for his ill-deserved reputation as the smartest guy in the world…Obama can no longer vote “present” as in the Illinois Senate, or rarely vote as in the U.S. Senate, and the GITMO closure, his first big decision, is being seen as “stupid” by 58 percent of Americans.
Poll breakdown:
39,825 polled
Poll Question:
How stupid is Obama’s decision to close GITMO within a year?
47 percent “very stupid” 8 percent “medium stupid” 3 percent “a little stupid” 42 percent “not at all stupid”
A plurality of Americans think Obama’s first big presidential decision is “very stupid.” The uninformed, peacenik coalition of November voters is already breaking up in the face of the reality of terrorism.
:tinfoilhat: Tin Foil Time:
To: obamaisandrogynous
Dont worry, the supposed dead MSM will correct this by 6:00 P.M. this evening with their own Obamasized polls. Yeah, the MSM is on a deathwatch all right.
8 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 7:41:50 AM by stevecmd
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