You know, another whiny know-nothing apparatchik beholden to the party machine in the tradition of Schimel, Eddington and Lavine, to name a few lights of the NY scene.
Of course, DU isn't free of this tribe either - the frequency which which 'progressive' is flogged here you would think the speakers were receiving royalties on its use. Use words too often and their meaning is diluted. But I guess that notion hasn't disturbed you yet.
The greatest threat to the successful restoration of a normal, modern, civil society which Obama's election promises comes from within, from those who view a shopping list of socially fashionable political correctnesses to be subscribed to, in order to acquire group membership, as far more important than intellectual and political independence and an ongoing objective assessment of what is true at any given moment. I am saddened at how often the vaunted 'progressives' are just as doctrinaire, dogmatic and demagogic as the worst conservative, and if we consider for a moment, that prioritization of conformity to preconceived models over accurate apprehension of the details of life is a conservative impulse - I want this to be true, even if it isn't. We are not immune to stupidity or error merely because we believe we partake of morally superior positions.
For those of us in NY who are daily exposed to the iniquities of what is described as the most dysfunctional state legislature in the nation, along with machines in both parties that haven't noticed that 100 years have elapsed since their heyday, Ms., now Senator, Gillibrand is a breath of fresh air.
For those of us who will have nothing to do with that sector of the Democratic party which proclaims that if we own guns then we must be hicks, extremists or criminals, Senator Gillibrand is a breath of fresh air.
For those of us disgusted by the aspect of the new Democratic party which consists of the aimlessly hip subscribing to said agenda of correctnesses as a social ticket and then spending their time affirming both each other's correctness and also suitable upscaleness (read: wealth) Senator Gillibrand is a breath of fresh air.
The world does not consist of social networking sites, expensive suburbs, overpriced houses and finding the right SUV to cart the kids to afterschool activities in. After the disgusting spectacle of the rich and useless of our party trying to extort the NY Senate seat from the governor, this is a sign that the Democratic party, particularly in the northeast, and particularly in NY, has a future.