I was watchinmg television on Tuesday morning and they saif there would be Inauguration "parties" at three venues in my area. One was Rollins College, another was the Daytona Beach Bandshell, and I forgot the third. It was cold for Central Florida that day ( forty five degrees and windy) but I decided to go to the Bandshell anyway so I could say I was with a lot of people on that historic day.
There was supposed to be a jumbotron but when I got there there were two 52 inch tvs that they couldn't even get to work. The organizers said something about not getting the right microwave sattelite feed. I was talking to a lot of people at the event and the common sentiment was that they were disappointed. I said how much disappointing it would have been if McSame, cough, McCain was elected.
Anyway there was a bar/lounge with several plasma televisions adjacent to the Bandshell and most of us watched it there.