With the GOP (and some Dems) attempting to obstruct passage of Obama's stimulus bill and people like Lamar Alexander (R-TENN) calling programs like Medicare and Social Security "wasteful", I issue the following challenge: My challenge to each and every Republican, anti-government crusader, or "deficit hawk" is to personally refuse to benefit from whatever government benefits, entitlements, etc. that they are actively fighting against. Then and ONLY then will I believe that their opposition to increased government spending is true and principled. They need to adamantly refuse to bring home the bacon....er....."pork" for their districts. In the immortal words of Their Lady Palin, they should simply say, "Thanks, but no thanks" to anything their district, state, etc. needs or wants. This means that if they don't like Social Security and Medicare, then they must agree to refuse to accept those benefits when they become eligible to receive them. Heck, with them out of the picture, we may not even have to do anything in regards to solving funding problems for any of those programs. Republican Congressman and Senators opposed to government-run "socialized" health care should voluntarily opt out of their "gold plated" government-provided health care insurance plans and put their faith (and money) where their mouths always seem to be: into a private insurance plan since they think we've got the best health-care system on Earth right here in America. Those opposed to TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid Unemployment Insurance, etc. should refuse to apply for any of them if they or their family ever find themselves jobless, broke, etc. After all, they always say that poor people can (and should) pull themselves up by their proverbial "boot straps" so why shouldn't they and their families have to do the same?