And from Fox News no less:
McConnell Proposes Cheap, Government-Backed Mortgages to Stimulate EconomySenate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Monday demanded an amendment to the mammoth economic stimulus package to give government-backed, low-interest loans to homeowners -- a revision that he says will both increase the demand for houses and boost the average household income. "We believe that a stimulus bill must fix the main problem first and that's housing," McConnell told reporters Monday in introducing a plan to offer fixed mortgages of 4 percent to "any credit-worthy borrower."
..."McConnell's 4 percent proposal would allow for several trillions of dollars of mortgages to be refinanced and that would overwhelm the mortgage system," said Bert Ely, President of Ely and Company, a financial institutions and monetary policy consulting firm.
"It might sound good, conceptually, but it's simply not feasible and would have a lot of unintended consequences," he said.
..."It's a terrible idea," added John Tamney, a senior economist at H.C. Waintright Economics in Washington.
"I've always voted Republican, but Republicans have lost their mind on this. It would put more money into the debt economy. The more money that goes there, the less money there is for the entrepreneurial economy," Tamney said...