It was great while it lasted!
The tears of joy I shared with my compadres from around the world in celebration of his election will never be forgotten and on balance, the world is a far saner and safer place with Barack Obama as our president.
Yet his appointments of Tim Geither, Tom Daschle, and Judd Gregg have taken some of the sheen out of the glow. I won't reiterate in details what many threads before this have already said about these three individuals. Suffice to say, real change, reform, and transparency in government means placing people in power who have not chosen the all too familiar path of greedy and/or arrogant politicians. Any ties to lobbyists or history avoiding legal responsibility is too much.
People have been quick to remind me of President Obama's eloquence and consistent message of there not being "a red America or blue America, but a United States of America" --- they remind me that he ran a brilliant campaign on a platform of unity and bipartisanship. All true.
I never expected to agree with President Obama all of the time, but I will admit that his most attractive theme to this voter was that one which suggested CHANGE in the way they do business in Washington. I hope that Barack Obama will not fall prey to the very compelling trappings of power that now surround him on The Hill. I hope he will not lose that fundamental wisdom which inspired so many of us when we first heard him at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
President Obama has already done good things in office - most notably new regs on equal pay and initiating new protections of our environment and better mileage standards for the automotive industry. His worst moments will still surpass Shrub's best moments and we have far more to be happy about than complain about. His presidency is still a damn good thing!
Lets just say my euphoria has been brought down to earth with Obama's most recent appointments. Now I just need to get used to it.