(at least, one hopes so)
February 03, 2009
Senator Daschle and UnitedHealth Insurance Company
I am sure that Senator Daschle would be a fine Secretary of Health and Human Resources. However, I have some real concerns about how he would handle the UnitedHealth insurance company with whom he has acted in an "advisory" capacity. UnitedHealth is my least favorite of all the health insurance companies and their only interest is making a very large profit. Their relationship with AARP is under investigation, I have read, and they have made billions of dollars in profit over the years. Their profit last year was 81 billion dollars. One-third of this profit came from "federally regulated sales of Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplements and prescription drug plans." (This quote is from an article in the 2/2/09 New York Times.) These Medicare programs need to be dropped, as well as the drug plans. Multiple studies have shown that they frequently cost more than other plans.
If Senator Daschle is going to be in charge of making drastic changes in our health care system then I hope the Congress asks him details questions about how he would handle his previous relationship with UnitedHealth. We need to put strong controls in place over these greedy health insurance companies. How this can happen must be discuused in detail. Otherwise no health plan that includes everyone is going to succeed.