Even has a PAC setup for it... Way to keep us stuck in the last eight years, John.
From CNN:
http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/02/03/mccain-asks-supporters-to-oppose-stimulus-bill/?eref=politicalflipper(CNN) –- Sen. John McCain enlists the help of online supporters through his political action committee, Country First. The former Republican presidential nominee tapped into his campaign lists Tuesday, asking supporters to sign a petition in protest of the economic stimulus package.
“I cannot and do not support the package on the table from the Democrats and the Obama Administration. Our country does not need just another spending bill, particularly not one that will load future generations with the burden of massive debt. We need a short term stimulus bill that will directly help people, create jobs, and provide a jolt to our economy,” McCain says in the e-mail. “I hope you will join me in saying no to this stimulus package as it currently exists by signing this petition.”
The Arizona senator’s request follows a similar message sent by President Obama to his online followers Monday. The president called on supporters to host gatherings or house parties to help push for the stimulus package.
McCain and nine other Senate Republicans met in Sen. Mel Martinez’s office Tuesday to discuss an alternative to the Democratic plan. The former Republican presidential candidate said the group is trying to improve the stimulus package to enable job growth.