Libraries don't get much federal funding but maybe they should get more.
Maybe they can shitcan NCLB and put all THAT wasted money back into the libraries, eh?
Actually, under Bush, aid to libraries INCREASED. Problem is, what the feds gave, the states and towns took away. That's why libraries are having troubles, some of them:
The American Library Association (ALA) applauded the funding increases for libraries proposed in President Bush’s fiscal year (FY) 2009 budget, released on February 4, 2008. The increases in library funding proposed by the President will mean that many of America’s libraries can continue to provide key programs and services to their communities, like bookmobiles and public access to the Internet.
In a budget where domestic discretionary spending was severely restricted and funding for 151 programs was cut or eliminated, the Library Services and Technology Act saw several key increases. Included in LSTA, the most important federal legislation affecting libraries, are the following totals:
$171.5 million for state grants, an increase of $10.6 million over FY 2008; this funding increase ensures that smaller states will have the resources to serve their populations, a priority the Congress recognized in 2003;
$12.715 million for the National Leadership Grants for Libraries, an increase of $556,000 over FY 2008;
$26.5 million for the Recruitment of Librarians for the 21st Century, an increase of $3.16 million over FY 2008;
$3.717 million for Native Americans Library Services, an increase of $143,000 over FY 2008; and
$3.5 million for library policy, research, and statistics (included in the administration total), an increase of $1.54 million over FY 2008; this will help libraries identify the programs that most effectively serve users.
For school libraries, the President requested level funding for the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries Program. may have been a jerk, but he wasn't stupid--he listened to his wife and momma.