I have been wanting to get involved in the volunteer work that Obama has spoken about, so last week I went to his website: www.usaservice.org and looked at various volunteer programs he already had up for my area. I signed up for the adult literacy tutoring program, and just got back from my first session.
Let me just preface this: I am in Kane County, Illinois. For decades this has been solid Republican country (Denny Hastert was our rep), until we put Bill Foster in the House last March and again in November. One cannot swing a cat without hitting a Republican.
So the first thing we do is have a tete a tete with the person next to us, and then we go around the circle of 20 people and introduce our seatmate to the group. I hadn't mentioned how I had found the group, but one of the first couples speaking did. One woman said she found it fascinating that her seatmate had found the group via Obama's website, at which point several other people piped up and said that's how THEY had found the volunteer group, too. The instructor said that not only had several of us joined up from Obama's site, but that the group was unusually large for a daytime training session. Then one of the other volunteers made some comments on how Obama is encouraging Americans to volunteer and how she thought this was good for all of us. Somewhere in her comments she said something about how Obama was parenting America, and the gal next to me mentioned she thought that was an apropos verb to use to describe what Obama is doing for us.
All in all, quite the eye opening session. We ARE the change we've been waiting for. :-)