Some people think there is too much pork in the stimulus plan. Some people worry that President Obama may be stumbling with three failed cabinet appointments. Some people say spending isn’t the answer. Some people say tax cuts are the answer.
Some people made their appearance during the primaries and the general election, as I’m sure some people remember. Some people said Barack Obama wasn’t black enough. Some people said Hillary had too much baggage. Some people said Barack Obama was the most liberal member of the Senate, forgetting the fact that in 2004 some people, those same exact some people, said the same thing about John Kerry. In the general some people said some people were unrepentant terrorists and some people were certain some people hated America.
Sure, we’ve heard a lot from some people over the last year or so, but I did notice a strange absence of some people from January 20th 2001 up until January 20th 2009, but they were doing gangbusters in the preceding eight years. That, of course, was the Clinton years, when some people first debuted on the airways and cableways as a credible sources.
Funny, ain’t it?
Yep, some people are back, and they are bigger than ever. I can’t hear a tease for an upcoming news story without hearing what some people are saying about our President, the 111 Congress or our domestic or foreign policies.
Some people are concerned. Some people are worried. Some people are upset, or even angry. Guess what corporate media? We know who some people are. They are REPUBLICANS! Oh sure, sometimes there will be an I next to their names, or they’ll be well dressed and well moneyed members of those wonderful think tanks. You know the ones, Heritage, AEI, Cato, the usual suspects. Sometimes they are even members of the former, disgraced administration. They come with different names, in different colors, and in different ties or pant suits and they all share the same agenda, to tear down the Democratic Party, more pointedly, to tear down America.
No thank you Norah. Leave it be Andrea. Hey Wolf, why don’t you just give it a rest. Here’s an idea for you all, let’s mix it up a bit shall we? How ‘bout instead of using the words “some people” let’s be new and daring and refreshing and just say “America haters” instead? Won’t that be fun? Don’t worry, most of us, 53% of the voters in fact, will know exactly what you mean.
This time it’s different. This time, some people, the ones that vote, the ones that really count, are not buying your shit.
Oh yeah, nice suit.