President Obama needs
your help. He unfortunately thinks if he treats Republicans with kid gloves and talks to them rationally he will get somewhere with them. The vote on the stimulus package in the House showed how that approach is going. He needs to realize that Governing in a bipartisan way is a laudable ideal (which many Democrats would like to see realized but gave up on years ago) but possible only if
both Parties are interested in getting something done. Reupublicans have yet to show any interest in seeing government get anything accomplished that works for the good of the country.
Republicans have uttered sound-bites that they "would like to see Obama succeed" but this will be difficult to achieve as long as they are against just about everything he and other Democrats are for. And they are committed to preventing the Democrats from accomplishing anything in Washington. The Republicans are avowed enemies of government ("government is the problem" - R. Reagan) and they are saboteurs of responsible, effective Government. They have demonstrated consummate incompentence (either by design or idiocy) in particular with respect to understanding economic principles and realities. Their easy money policies (employed to make the weakening economy look better than it was) fed the housing bubble that ran prices for homes too high which put people in inverted mortgages when the bubble inevitably broke. They created the current economic crisis we are in by sneeking through the
Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000(which legalized trading in Credit Default Swaps and made them unregulated) as rider to the Omnibus Spending bill. Any efforts by Democrats to enact legislation to rein in Predatory Lenders (who were signing up people to mortgages that were way beyond their means to pay (these mortgage brokers told suckers to LIE about their income on the application documents) WERE STOPPED COLD BY THE REPUBLICANS. The mortgage brokers didn't care whether they could pay because they were going to "flip" the mortgages as securitized debt instruments to Wall Street banks eager to find more derivative financial instrumants to profit from by selling them to
their customers.
Now the Republicans are voting against stimulus actions which virtually all economists of all political leanings agree must be done and they also are adding TAX CUTS to BUSINESSES (which will NOT stimulate the economy. Businesses are not going to spend money or hire people when they are losing customers and sales. The sales must come first before businiesses start to spend money). Tax cuts for individuals are okay but not as stimulating as spending on infrastructure projects. Last years tax cuts didn't stimulate the economy because 2/3rds to 3/4ths of the tax cuts to people were either saved or used to pay down debt. Spending on various projects - infrastructure or Green investment gives people jobs and gives people more confidence in their own and the country's economic health. This then stimules people to spend more. But they can't spend more money if they don't have it to spend.
We who
really want to see Obama to succeed need to email him and tell him to remind the Republicans that
they were the ones who created this economic Deregulation Disaster and that it is now the Democrats job to try to save the country from a 1930's style depression and that they (Deregulation Republicans) need to get the F--K OUT OF THE WAY and LET THE DEMOCRATS (and any Republicans who are prepared to participate in responsible governance) GET ON WITH THE BUSINESS OF GETTING THIS ECONOMY AND COUNTRY BACK ON TRACK.
President Obama - you were elected to get things done, to get the country moving again. Now, don't let the people down who are counting on you.