Bipartisianship is something you'll never achieve. These trolls on the other side aren't republicans in the true ideology of the long dead party. They have no concern for the majority of the population of the US. It's been 8 years too long to try and work with these pricks.
Buy up time on all the major networks, except Faux, and explain to the people you tried to reach across the isle and all you found were people whose only concern is whether Limbaugh is happy and could give a cool shit about the fix the economy is in. To watch you fail is their only concern. Maybe the people who swept you into power would see what you're working against and realize that neither you or ANY dems can work with "boner" and "no lips mitch".
The fact is the dems have lost their desire to fight 8 years ago. Reid needs to go, along with Hoyer, and Pelosi. Kucinich would make a great speaker. Anyone would be better than Reid, I was hoping Hillary. Someone who isn't afraid to fight these fuckers.
In closing President Obama, working with the other side ain't gonna happen. Ram it down their their filthy throats.