Paid any attention to what the Hannitys and Limbaughs (and wannabes) have been saying the past two days concerning the CEO pay caps?
I have.
"Obama needed a distraction from the Daschle debacle, so he is attacking the 'wealthy'."
"It is not the job of the government to decide the income of others."
To this I say to Republicans and their talk-radio enablers:
Let me get this straight:
1. CEOs of major banks and insurance companies woefully mismanaged their risk profile and put their companies on the brink of disaster.
2. Those CEOs then came hat-in-hand to the federal government and asked to be saved from themselves.
3. The government obliges.
4. Those CEOs then proceed to grant themselves and their top underlings exorbitant bonuses... all the while not using the money for its intended purpose.
5. A new sheriff in town says "no more". A position that is easily supported by 80% of the American people.
and the Republican talkmeisters want to come down hard with the other 20%?
Good luck with that political strategy.
The GOP and their talkmeister overlords are now in a position to have to either go along with Obama or to argue in favor of CEOs using taxpayer money to line their own pockets.
Please, please, please Republicans.... make that a central argument against Obama. 2010 will be a bloodbath for you if you do.