I haven't agreed with all that President Obama has done in the transition and his short tenure. I think the Daschle et al screw-ups have hurt our momentum. That said, I see an awful lot of hand-wringing on this board that is way premature. Obama is 4 steps ahead of his Republican opponents and at least 3 steps ahead of his Democratic allies. He is moving the stimulus package forward in a way that it will pass and leave the GOP isolated and seriously weakened. This is being done at the same time that he has fielded an astute, effective foreign policy team and changed the face that America shows to the world. Obama and his team demonstrated in the campaign the ability to weather momentary storms and set backs.They have a similar long view of how to move America to a more progressive, benign force in the world. I have total confidence in their ultimate success. I hope that when all of my lefty colleagues watch the Senate pass the stimulus bill, they climb down off the ledge long enough to celebrate Obama's ability to get things done for America.