I live in a boom town from oil development. I am an environmental scientist, my wife works at a local auto dealership. The town itself has seen very little growth in infrastructure, only oil related businesses seem to prosper despite a population increase of 200%. It makes life rough as stores are always poorly stocked, groceries expensive, and services hard to come by. Businesses have a hell of a time keeping employees on staff. One day while conversing with her boss, he told me that the problem with the town was that no one would work for ten dollars an hour when they could go make twice that in the fields, hence the town stagnating.
I replied that an even greater part of the problem was that every business owner thought that they were fucking Lee Iacocca and paid themselves exhorbitant salaries while asking their help to work for low wages and no benefits. Look at you, I told him. You have a fucking million dollar house and you pay my wife $12 an hour. Hell, that is slave wages considering there are no benefits, just straight labor costs. You run a business that nets a couple hundred thousand a year, and you pay yourself well over half of it. Your problem is you business owners started believing your own bullshit. Pay your employees a living wage and give them a benefit package and maybe you would not have 40% turnover rates.
My wife did not speak to me for a few days but that's okay, I was well entertained gloating and rehashing the conversation in my head.