Here's Simmons' comment on the Steele appointment to RNC chair. It's a response to Steele's Blog Post on Simmons' Website;
This is your chance to make history and real change. I have heard the rhetoric from the mean left and from the angry right. Don't let those who are angry in your base guide your choices or let the people to the left of President Obama push your buttons. If you work directly with the White House, from your informed perspective, you can help to build an effective bridge for the sake of the improvement of the quality of life of millions of Americans. This is America's great chance for change.
We all should be working together for the common good beyond the lines of partisanship. Let's keep this constructive dialogue going and give the American people a comprehensive stimulus package that EVERYONE can support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Simmon's, AFTER Steele writes his post is acting like Steele is able to see through the partisan blinders. Let's look at Steele's blog post to better guage just what the fuck is going on here;
Some have faith in government in order to create such a pathway; Republicans have faith in people. Thus, a truly effective stimulus package would rely less on government solutions and more on individual solutions that encourage enterprise, job training and educational opportunities for those seeking to free themselves from the shackles of poverty. HUD Secretary Jack Kemp once noted, "the purpose of a great party is not to defeat the other party but to provide superior ideas, principled leadership and a compelling cause." The Republican Party now has an obligation to provide solutions and ideas that demonstrate our capacity to lead on behalf of the poor of America and to provide them a pathway to legacy wealth creation. No cause can be more compelling than that!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> basicly lays out a load of right wing partisan bullshit and Simmons' acts as if this guy can see through partisan blinders. Steele basicly posits the poor are dumb and need to embrace the concept of rugged individualism which only hold relevency in Hollywood mythology. Maybe Simmons and Steele need another screening of "The Good the Bad and the Ugly" so they come away convinced that this shit only has relevancy on screen.
Here's a hint Mr Simmons. The Wealthy in this nation do not believe in rugged individualism. They know government is good FOR THEM and act as a COLLECTIVE to maintain it as such. Their aim is to sell this my of Horatio Alger and Rugged Individualism so there is a lot of blame tossed about and prevent the working classes acting collectivly to seek justice.
This is what happens you embrace an end to paritisanship. It looks a lot like one party rule and the wealthy certainly ain't gonna lay down their guns because you think EVERYONE should lay em down.