Time to get tough (with GOP and pussy ass Dems)
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/06/opinion/06fri1.htmlWe’re happy to see President Obama getting tough with Congressional Republicans who are trying to sabotage the stimulus and recovery bill and bring even greater ruin on the economy. Since Mr. Obama campaigned on the promise of bipartisanship, we hope he will also bring his hammer down on shortsighted Democrats who are threatening their own brand of havoc.
Mr. Obama needs to remind Republicans that he won the election on those terms. And he is going to have to get tough with Democrats. So will House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who have been too timorous about wielding their power.
In the Senate, Ben Nelson, Democrat of Nebraska, spent the day working with Republicans to dangerously strip down the Senate’s version of the economic measure. What noxious programs were they so eager to dump? Money for the Amtrak passenger rail system, the shortchanging of which has been a damaging annual ritual that has put America decades behind most of the world.
In the House, Ms. Pelosi will have to help Mr. Obama overcome protectionist Democrats who have already voted a provision that would require stimulus-financed projects to use only American-made iron and steel. Senate Democrats inserted an even worse provision — requiring that all manufactured goods bought with stimulus money be made in this country. That has been somewhat diluted, but not nearly enough.
The “Buy America” plan could touch off a trade war, which would be disastrous for the American economy and American workers. It’s astonishing that any national leader could have forgotten what happened when Congress tried this before. Remember Smoot-Hawley?
If Senate Republicans still want to filibuster, Mr. Reid should call them on it. No filibuster on this urgent a bill could withstand the certain public outrage.