Obama admits many items are not directly for stimulus of the economy, but any money pumped into America, as long as it is used here will stimulate the economy.
What I would like to have seen as major stimulative items.
1. A continental bullet train & rail supply system.
2. A security wall & grand canal at the USA/Mexico border. To stop illegals, drug running, S. American pests, Southern invasion, provide a shipping lane to the Gulf from the Pacific ocean controlled by the USA.
3. Build our own Nuclear reactors dotted on the three coast lines with desaltination plants & pipelines running inland. To assist farmers, to assist towns, to allow growing and population areas everywhere in America, hooked into the grid to lower consumers energy costs.
4. Cancel all oil leases on Federal lands, drill our own oil, refine our own oil, and use our own stations to distribute it for $1.00 a gallon. It only costs $0.17 cents to refine 2 gallons of oil to 1 gallon of gasoline, not counting saleable by-products. To lower energy costs for consumers.
You would think these would be priority items. The truth is capitalism doesn't think so. If a corporation has no incentive, it won't be built, so they won't do these things on their own even as America slips behind the industrial countries of the world.