He has guys like Volker and Krugman and God knows who else. It would be a lot easier to present and sell a bill if you could say, this was designed by people with real experience in the government and outside of government who are able to analyze current situations and historical precedents and make suggestions and recommendations that are outside the political arena for the genuine good of the country.
Are you gonna believe Paul Volker or Joe Scarborough and Rush Limbaugh?
Morning Joe Today was a good example of if you unleash the REAL economists against the empty MSM balloon heads or Republican tax cutting demagogues that the economist will come out ahead.
Now, back to my original question. If this package is just a grab bag of suggestions put together by both sides of the aisle, why is that the case? Do we once again have to push something through quickly because of immediate impending disaster, or do we have the time to put together a thoughtful and comprehensive stimulus package that all can buy into because we endeavored to take the taint of politics out of it?