President Obama has only been "The Prez" for a little over 2 weeks, yet the degree of shit he is being pitched by the talking heads in the MSM seems disproportionate to the circumstances.
Barack Obama walked into a clusterfuck left by Shrub and his inept minions of unprecedented proportions in modern American history. I think the country is so desperate for change and a fix, that maybe they assumed this brilliant man could take care of things in short order. Healing what ails us will take not weeks, not months, but years.
Granted, his transition has stumbled a bit; but on balance and considering he walked into a raging storm of governmental dysfunction - I am surprised the MSM is being so hard on him.
President Obama admitted that he "screwed up" on the Tom Daschle nomination, and we did not see that much humility, responsibility, and maturity from Shrub in all of his 8 years. I remain confident that given the times and the gravity of our economic crisis, Barack Obama is the right person to deal with the complexity of the issues. Who else could have done any better?
It is impossible to be objective here, but I really think President Obama deserves the benefit of a little more time (at least 6 months) before people rush to judge his performance. Certainly, it is no exaggeration to suggest Barack Obama has one of the most challenging jobs on the planet.
There is no magic pill for this crisis, but some folks seem to think that Barack Obama owe them one.