Edited on Fri Feb-06-09 08:55 PM by debbierlus
First, Obama gets out on television and invites every major news major league person to come PERSONALLY. Plus, top ranking economists lined in the background from every major academia in the nation
Then, he takes Paul Krugman's advice and he announces to the nation (& the big news honchos), THE REPUBLICANS ARE PLACING THE FUTURE OF THIS COUNTRY AT RISK...He should then say, I made a committment to bipartisanship with this election. But, I made a bigger committment to the people. The Republicans have shown they do not have a willingness to BE bipartisan, and the country can not afford to waste valuable time catering to a party that continues to put political games above solving the nation's problems. The American people are fed up and so am I.
Right now, we stand on the edge of an economic cliff. If we do not stand up and help the American people now, the entire American citizenry faces a economic catastophe rivaling, if not worse, then the Great Depression. The top economists agree on this - helping the people is the solution. We need to finance the people. We need to nationalize the banks and control their actions until they can be fincially solvent through private, not public finance. The people should be getting paid for their investment, not held hostage by banks with loan shark lending practices with fees and unethical interest rates.
It is time to put the citizens of this nation above the corporate welfare. We have an entire people financing the wealth of a very few and the American people have been so abused by this system, they finally can't keep pace with its greed. Americans have long been working harder and longer hours just to keep pace, and instead of treating the people with just a crumb of decency, they took and took more. And, now they have broken the engine that keeps them operating. They have broken the people.
This can not go on. As President, I can not allow it to go on. So, here is my new emergency economic plan. It keeps all the spending portion of the bill. It cuts all but tax cuts directly to the middle & lower class citizens. It repeals all the Bush tax cuts because the nation needs funding and those who are privileged have a duty to help their nation during severe crisis.
The center piece of my plan will be investment in the American people.
My plan caps all credit card interest rate at 0% for the next year. Thereafter, the credit lenders will be able to charge no more then 10% interest. Banks will stop all foreclosure processes. All the banks will be required to renegotiate their mortgage loan, offering everyone with mortgages (not just those on the verge of foreclosure) a drop in interest rates on their loans. The maximum mortgage rate will be 5%. For everyone.
Secondly, I have increased the amount of spending on infrastructure problems. The nation is backlogged with infrastructure projects that could go immediately forward, if financed. Spreading money to these projects will immediately create jobs and get spending back into the economy.
Another key component will be the introduction of my health plan, a plan that will be based on a universal and single payer health CARE plan. The nation's main physicians & nurses unions all support a single payer universal health system. These top economists believe that fixing the nation's economy requires fixing the nation's health care. Next week, we will have the top economists, physicians, and health care experts in the nation presenting a live conference on the web and television about the need for a universal health care system.
Thank you
(Actual speech would also include green energy with a bill signed before 2010, the grid, & other key components of current bill.