Bitter, fucking, small minded, cinder-hearted, petty, vindictive, selfish, jealous, mean, conceited, snotty, self-important, ignorant, greedy, base, cheap, contemptible, frivolous, inferior, irrelevant, junior, lesser, light, little, lower, measly, minor, narrow-minded, negligible, nickel-and-dime, niggling, paltry, penny-ante, pettifogging, picayune, piddling, shabby, shallow, small, trifling, two-bit, avenging, cruel, grim, grudging, implacable, malicious, malignant, merciless, rancorous, relentless, resentful, retaliatory, ruthless, spiteful, unforgiving, unrelenting, vengeful, venomous, acerbic, acid, acrid, amaroidal, astringent, harsh, sour, tart, unsweetened, vinegary, bad-tempered, callous, cantankerous, churlish, dangerous, despicable, difficult, dirty, disagreeable, dishonorable, evil, formidable, hard, hard-nosed, ignoble, ill-tempered, infamous, knavish, liverish, lousy, low-down and dirty, malicious, malign, nasty, perfidious, pesky, rotten, scurrilous, shameless, sinking, snide, sour, the lowest, treacherous, troublesome, ugly, unfriendly, unpleasant, unscrupulous, vexatious, vicious, vile, base, beggarly, common, déclassé, down-at-heel, hack, ignoble, ineffectual, inferior, insignificant, limited, low, lowborn, lowly, mediocre, menial, miserable, narrow, obscure, plebeian, proletarian, run-down, scruffy, second-class, second-rate, seedy, sordid, squalid, tawdry, undistinguished, unwashed, vulgar, wretched, abhorrent, abominable, accursed, awful, blasted, catty, confounded, cursed, cussed, damnable, damned, despicable, despiteful, detestable, disgusting, execrable, forbidding, foul, gross, heinous, horrid, infamous, invidious, loathsome, malevolent, mean, odious, offensive, ornery, pesky, pestiferous, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, resentful, revolting, shuddersome, spiteful, uncool, undesirable, vicious, egocentric, egoistic, egoistical, egomaniacal, egotistic, egotistical, hoggish, mercenary, miserly, narcissistic, narrow, out for number one, parsimonious, prejudiced, self-centered, self-indulgent, self-interested, self-seeking, stingy, ungenerous, wrapped up in themselves, benighted, birdbrained, blind to, cretinous, dense, illiterate, imbecilic, inexperienced, innocent, insensible, in the dark, mindless, misinformed, moronic, naive, nescient, oblivious, obtuse, shallow, thick, unconscious, unconversant, uncultivated, uncultured, uneducated, unenlightened, uninformed, unintellectual, unknowledgeable, unlearned, unlettered, unmindful, unread, unschooled, untaught, untrained, unwitting, witless Repukes