For the past seven years I've had an email list to which I've sent articles and occasional rants about the lying weasel administration. Since the election, I've sent very little. One of the people that was on my list has responded to an article I sent with disparaging comments about Obama's big spending package, and how his administration is going to send our country down the toilet. I mean seriously...the only thing the lying weasel administration did is forget to flush!
Now this is a relatively intelligent young man, but he listens to his right-wing buddies at work, and does very little current event reading on his own. He used to have counter-arguments under his cap. I guess I need to get back to work providing them.
Not only does the Obama Administration need a fast response team, but all of us who worked so hard to get him elected, need to get back to work as well. The honeymoon is over, folks. If we are going to keep what we've won, and continue to get the reforms we desire, we can't take an extended vacation.