THere are some on Nothalfracist that you can debate with reasonably intelligently. On here saying Bush is bad and Obama is a bit like saying water is wet. Going to those sites does allow you to get news on whet the latest conspiracy theory is going to be. The most recent bigot that they tried was a Kentucky story. It failed. When that happens some of their readers get to levels of hate that are terrifying.
It was there the whole birther thing started, the non existent whitey tape, etc etc. Mopre recently a Kentucky s Strangely though SusanUnPC claims taht she has been trying to disassociate NQ from the PUMA lot. Being ex CIA knows exactly what he is doing and he knows why he is stirring up one of these loons.
I think they want a Stormfront "Democrat" market. He must realise though that those lot play with live rounds. When they bigot - they mean it.
Just some examples of their hate.
Comment by Kat5 | 2009-01-22 12:16:51
I lived in New Orleans for 30 years and witnessed an astounding level of inability to take responsibility for one's own actions, or lack of them. This led straight to destruction of huge parts of the city. You are spot on here.
Comment by WildChild | 2009-01-06 23:45:31
so you get your information from the billionaire Jew. Let me guess LOL, he’s all for the current beat down
Comment by AMERICA R.I.P. | 2009-01-22 03:32:56
Yup. Exactly. And and all that great anti-racism that got beaten the hell into us? Well, sadly, now I have none of it left. If I'm a "racist" great. It's not going to change MY life anymore. I worked, I fought, I helped, I gave time and money. But they're still screaming VICTIM. Oh well. Don't ask me for help. I'm done and you're one your own. I hope these idiots realize that Obama is turning whites against blacks more than they were in the 50's.
Comment by sowsear | 2009-01-22 01:09:05
And a bill for black reparations has already been introduced….
Larry Johnson has had to ask his own readers to get careful about hate and death threats. is how his readers responded to that
Comment by Hillary or Bust | 2009-01-18 21:06:47
I don’t want him to be assassinated, but I wouldn’t mind if he took his own life in some extremely stupid way, like a cocaine overdose while he’s got his pants down with Larry Sinclair.
Comment by Bob | 2009-01-18 22:30:33
There is one irony—– Barack Obama’s fascination
with Lincoln
If he does report them, the Security Service who are normally hot on these things appear not to have done anything as two posters have made direct threats and still post.
They do however get worse - read these in the context of those that go there to agreee with the NQ crowd; the type who think that President Obama is not the President (they have them all from "because he gamed the system" to the fake birth certificate
Comment by Hillary or Bust | 2009-01-18 23:31:55
Let me clarify that my hatred is purely rational and calculated. I believe Obama is the most dangerous man ever to be president. I think he is dangerous alive, but he is just as dangerous dead by assassination, due to the chaos it would put the country in.
However, I think we'd all be safer if he wasn't in office - THIS IS NOT A THREAT! IT IS AN OPINION! - and so yes, I do hope he dies young by natural causes or his own hand, because otherwise we're looking at someone with his eyes on being a life-long dictator of America and then World "President."
I wish Hitler had died early of natural causes too.
But I do not in any way condone violence against the president, absolutely not.
Hillary or Bust - if you support the view that President Obama is not the President - what does that mean?
and this one is even more obvious.
Comment by obamastolemyboyfriend | 2009-01-17 20:07:07
Yep. I bet that day is coming! I have 2 sons and there is not a chance in hell they’re going off to a Barky war. We’ll die trying to assassinate the fool first!
The bigot who thinks Obama stole her boyfriend, seriously does blame the President for her relationship break up.