Why don't outside groups run ads against the Republicans highlighting how they willingly let American taxpayers be ripped off for billions in Iraq?
"On four separate occasions - in 2005 and 2006 - the Republican Presidential nominee, Senator McCain, and every other Republican Senator except one (former Senator Chafee) voted against legislation to establish a Special Committee on War and Reconstruction Contracting, modeled after the Truman Committee during World War II that saved taxpayers billions of dollars, which would have had full oversight authority to oversee military contracting in Iraq, to uncover and deter waste, fraud and abuse."
http://dpc.senate.gov/dpc-new.cfm?doc_name=fs-110-2-173Collins, Specter and gang want to bask in the spotlight and profess that they are saving taxpayers from pork spending on American schools. Well, I say let's shine the spotlight on them even brighter.
With opponents like these, why in the world are the Democrats letting these crooks look like the defender of the American Taxpayer?
Plus, our huge debt and deficits will soon become a major issue. Shouldn't the fact that the Republicans were the ones who ran up the debt become common knowledge?