Think of the important issues - and here are a few where the country would be worse off had Kerry not been there.
Global Climate Change - In addition to praise from The President’s chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, James Connaughton, at this SFRC hearing , Kerry was the entire Congressional delegation to Bali. Even the Bush team praised the work he did before and at the hearing. Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, a member of the team (around 4 minutes in) said:
"The fact that we had a treaty was significantly due to the fact that Senator Kerry was there. He was a virtual part of our negotiating team, without his day and night support and lobbying of the EU. we would not have gotten a treaty." little of this was covered - even in his home town paper.)
Last year, he was unofficially Obama's person at the follow up Poznan conference - as well as the whole Senate delegation. From Kerry's comments, at both Bali and Poznan, he had very good meetings with the Chinese delegation, who were uncooperative in past forums. At a recent SFRC hearing with Gore, Kerry enthusiastically asked Gore about his opinion of China and the US, the number 1 and 2 polluters working on a joint project to help both on global warming - to regain trust for both countries before the Copenhagen treaty. A few weeks, later, there have been stories that this might be something that will be announced when HRC goes to China. This is very likely something that Kerry had some input to or may have facilitated because of his long efforts with the Chinese delegation - as he has spoken of technology transfer with China for over a year.
International Financial issues - In a world where both foreign policy and finance are far more important than usual - and where understanding both together - given how interwoven the economies of the world are, it is interesting that in the last Congress, Kerry was the only Senator on both the Finance and SFRC committees. Yesterday, in the SFRC he held an "on the record roundtable" on how the financial crisis will affect foreign relations - (This is an interesting hearing - though some of the economists seemed to not get the idea of a roundtable.)
He has also spoken of hearings on international tax havens - which need an international solution as they hurt all the countries whose peopel hide income. (At a Finance committee hearing last summer he and Jack Blum, who was a witness and had been the lead BCCI investigator for Kerry years ago, spoke of the need for this.)
Iraq - Obama comes to office with the country and the Democratic Senators (except Lieberman) and Congressmen all having backed a variation of Kerry/Finegold - as did Obama and HRC during the election - they moved to those positions after voting and speaing against K/F about a half year later. If Obama carries through with such a plan - it will be easier as the American people bought the need to do so. It was Kerry, who took the abuse to stand and make the case for using it as a lever to get the Iraqis to step up to really making the political decisions.
non-state terrorism So many people by 2006 had agreed with the position Kerry had in 2001 that was articulated in 2004, but which the country wasn't yet ready for, that Obama rarely had to address it - and when he did it was very close to same formula Kerry gave in 2004.
He is also doing some very interesting things with the SFRC. He had a roundtable on Afghanistan where the Senators and the witnesses had a "conversation". Drilling down into issues - challenging preconceived opinions and interacting to raise some very interesting ideas. It was the most fascinating hearing I've ever seen - once it really got going. Doing that takes a very confident Chair, willing to state opinion asking for it to be examined and challenged if it is not what others saw. (There is another one scheduled on the Sudan tomorrow -