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The GOP is trying to use Pelosi the way we used Gingrich

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scheming daemons Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-09 03:11 PM
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The GOP is trying to use Pelosi the way we used Gingrich

The lightening rod.

They know that BHO is untouchable in the current climate. Every time they attack him, THEIR poll numbers go down.
He's freakin' Superman, and they're all out of kryptonite.

I mean.. look at how much PRAISE Gregg had for Obama, even as he was stabbing Obama in the back.

The GOP is going out of their way to say "We oppose the Pelosi bill! This isn't an Obama bill! It's a Pelosi bill!"

Only those Repukes from the safest seats are even saying ANYTHING negative about Obama.

And now.. the house Dems are heaping praise on Obama for this deal...and Obama is not afraid to take ownership of it... forcing the Repukes to have to attack Obama, not Pelosi.

And every time they do, their poll numbers drop.

We want to force them into a situation where they have to attack Obama directly. That is why it would have been better for Obama to announce Geithner's plan the other day... and why it will be Obama, not the Secretary of HUD, that announces the mortgage relief plan on Wednesday.

He simply is politically immortal right now.

EVERY announcement should come directly from the President's lips for now.

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WeDidIt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-09 03:14 PM
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1. Well that's a stupid strategy.
Using Gingrich only worked when Gingrich was a foil for Clinton.

Pelosi is not a foil for Obama.

They've got shit for brains.
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BlueCaliDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-09 03:25 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. They hope with the help of corporate media they can keep attacking Pelosi
until corporate media can get those Obama approval numbers down low enough to start after him.

In the meantime, their strategy is probably, trying to hit two Democrats with a single stone.

They have to have crap for brains because they're incredibly detached from reality.
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tridim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-09 03:16 PM
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2. Isn't Pelosi currently about twice as popular as the Repubs?
Good luck with that idiots.
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dbackjon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-09 03:52 PM
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4. It is smart of them
And if the Dems were smart, they would elect a new Speaker.
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Proud Liberal Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-09 04:14 PM
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5. Pelosi was made the poster-woman for "San Francisco liberalism" (read: evil)
Edited on Fri Feb-13-09 04:18 PM by Proud Liberal Dem
during the run-up to the 2006 mid-term elections. It seems, however, like it didn't make much difference and I guess people didn't really mind her "San Francisco liberalism" after all.

Pelosi is simply NOT (nor capable of being) the liberal "boogeywoman" that the right seems to want and need her to be and she is nowhere near IMHO the kind of "bomb thrower" Gingrich was. It's actually kind of weird that Republicans have so much hatred towards her right now since she (along with Reid) very assertively and effectively smacked down any talk of possibly impeaching Bush/Cheney during the past 2 years- much to the chagrin of most of us here at DU. However, I suppose they have to have some to hate to latch on to for political gain. I guess that's all they know how to do. Remember, when Daschle started simply asking questions about Bushco's WOT, "El Diablo" got mercilessly attacked by Limbaugh and the rest of the Republican Party and then utimately ended up getting defeated in 2004.

Of course, this should be another reminder to Pelosi, Reid, et. al that the Republicans simply don't care how much they kiss up to them or make things easier for them. Republicans will ALWAYS hate us in the morning- after they've gotten whatever they want from us. If you recall the 2002 midterm elections, the Democrats went along with the Patriot Act, Bushco's "war on terror", and the IWR and what did THAT get us? Bush ran around the country during the campaign season telling everybody how unpatriotic and "soft on terror" Democrats were and smearing veterans like Max Cleland during the 2002 mid-term elections.

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