Take a look at the Bush/Cheney years--Failure *is* their strong suit. But even if they were able to trip up the Democratic White House and Senate attempts at a resolution to the financial crisis, there are two things they would still have to do:
1) Convince everybody their own recalcitrance, partisanship, and obstructionism wasn't really the problem;
2) Complete the impression they want to make. It would not necessarily follow that just because Democratic ideas haven't worked (yet, in a hypothetical "fail future") that GOP ideas were right. It does not follow in quite the obvious way that, say, the S&L crisis and the 1991-92 recession followed Reagan/Bush, or the mortgage/credit crisis and the current recession followed Baby Bush.
You know, or the way the Great Depression followed Hoover.
I think it's a shame though that winning elections means more to them than doing what's necessary right here and now.