Republicans are complaining about record deficits and about the cost of the stimulus program in terms of borrowed money while the Democrats have been too polite to tell them the truth and shut them up!
YES the deficits are terrible my Republican friends but we should be PAYING for this economic recovery, in my humble opinion by taxing the crap out of the very wealthy in this country who have been benefitting lo these last 26 years far more than the rest of us. That is MY idea of "fiscal responsibility."
If the uber-wealthy aren't willing to invest their fortunes into factories and jobs for American workers why are we CUTTING their taxes? I say raise their taxes and use the money to put Americans back to work. The uber wealthy aren't really going to consume enough of any tax cut we provide them to provide any meaningful boost to the economy and aren't willing to spend their money on their own to do it anyways.
If you want fiscal responsibility, GOP, let's start by reversing the Bush tax cuts for the uber wealthy and put that money into the economic recovery by having the government spend it into the economy.
Doug D.