This took place in "blue" northern New Jersey.
I teach a Friday night class and on the break last night, I went to the lounge to use a copy machine. When I walked in, there was only one other professor there and he appeared to be a law professor, judging by the books around him and the newspaper he was reading, which had to do with constitutional law. I'm not familiar with that part of the school nor had I ever seen this professor around. The school where I teach has some sort of pre-law program but I don't know much about it.
While he read his newspaper, this person, who appeared to be in his mid- to late-30s, was listening to an internet broadcast. At first I didn't listen to what the broadcast was saying but as I made my copies, the speaker sounded more and more like a raving fanatic. I decided to listen a little, as the idea of a law professor listening to a Rush Limbaugh-type was not fitting too well into my preconceived notions of what higher-ed colleagues are often like.
I heard the raving lunatic say, "Barack Obama is a liar! He is a liar!!" This was expressed like a fundamentalist preacher might tell his congregation they are going to hell. I listened for some "support" for the "liar" statement, like an example. Nothing.
The speaker raved on and I found these words coming out of my mouth: "Who IS that? And on what is he basing his statement about lies? Such hatred!"
The other professor said, "I am sorry you are offended. I will turn it down." Then he turned the volume down and said, "He's a constitutional law scholar and I happen to agree with him."
I said, "Everyone has the right to their own opinion but it takes one hell of a lot of nerve to accuse Barack Obama of lying when he can't even cite one example. And furthermore, no one president has told more lies than bush, who put us into an unjustified, unwinnable war which has killed so many and which has buried us financially!"
This incident sure opened my eyes about the opposition. Even when they're "educated" people, they are somehow moved by this movement emotionally.