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The new President in his first nearly three weeks in office has only just Begun!

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
FrenchieCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 02:58 AM
Original message
The new President in his first nearly three weeks in office has only just Begun!
Edited on Mon Feb-16-09 03:17 AM by FrenchieCat
repairing the damage after 8 long painful ass fucked up years of the looting of our treasury and fighting unecessary war! I'm more than willing to give him a chance to fix this shit, and I hope that you are too.

He really has only just begun.....and that's no overstatement! :)

go to the site, to read about each of the below.....


Executive Order: Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects

Presidential Executive Order Establishing the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board

Amendments to Executive Order 13199 and Establishment of the President's Advisory Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts

Executive Order -- Economy in Government Contracting

Executive Order -- Notificiation of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Laws

Review of Detention Policy Options

Closure Of Guantanamo Detention Facilities

Ensuring Lawful Interrogations

Presidential Records

Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel


Appliance Efficiency Standards

Presidential Memorandum -- State Children's Health Insurance Program

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies

Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs Related to Gaza

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007

California Request for Waiver Under the Clean Air Act

Mexico City Policy and Assistance for Voluntary Population Planning

Review of the Detention of Ali Saleh Kahlah

Freedom of Information Act

Pay Freeze

Transparency and Open Government


Declaration of major disaster in the State of Oklahoma

Vice President Joe Biden Announces Kareem Dale As Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy
BOISE, ID – Vice President Joe Biden today announced Kareem Dale as Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy. The Vice President, who was leading a Presidential Delegation at the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise, Idaho, made the announcement during a stop at the Special Olympics’ Healthy Athletes Event, a worldwide program in which athletes receive a variety of health screenings and services.

Readout On the President’s Calls to Foreign Leaders
This afternoon, President Obama spoke to President Peres of Israel to extend his congratulations to the Israeli people on their general elections yesterday. The President remarked that the Israeli people should be very happy about the democratic example they have set for the world. They had a good discussion, and the President complimented President Peres on his recent op-ed in which he reaffirmed his strong commitment to achieving a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Nomination Press Release - Assistant Attorney General
David S. Kris, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Attorney General, vice J. Patrick Rowan, resigned.

Press Conference by the President
On Monday evening, February 9, 2009, President Obama gave his first White House press conference in the East Room.

Governor Crist to join President at Fort Myers Town Hall Meeting Tomorrow
The White House announced today that Florida Governor Charlie Crist will introduce President Barack Obama at a town hall meeting in Fort Myers to discuss the urgent need for a plan to help American families cope with the severe economic downturn and lay the foundation for our long term recovery.

President Obama Directs the National Security and Homeland Security Advisors to Conduct Immediate Cyber Security Review
President Obama has directed the National Security and Homeland Security Advisors to conduct an immediate review of the plan, programs, and activities underway throughout the government dedicated to cyber security.

Readout on the President's Call to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia
President Obama called Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia. The President and the Prime Minister discussed the current status of the fires across Victoria, Australia. The President offered his prayers to the people of Australia and his condolences to the victims. The President asked if the U.S. could provide assistance to the government and people of Australia to assist with the fire.

Vice President Joe Biden to Depart for Germany to Represent United States at Annual Munich Security Conference
The Vice President will travel to Germany later today to represent the United States and address the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy, also known as the Wehrkunde Conference. General James L. Jones, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, will also attend the conference. The Munich Security Conference is an annual gathering of government officials, foreign and defense policy experts and journalists to discuss Trans-Atlantic security issues.

Obama Announces Economic Advisory Board
Washington (February 6, 2009) – President Barack Obama today signed an executive order establishing the new Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Modeled on the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower the Board will provide an independent voice on economic issues and will be charged with offering independent advice to the President as he formulates and implements his plans for economic recovery.

President Obama Signs Major Disaster Declaration for Arkansas

President Obama Announces More Key White House Staff
Today, President Obama announced three Deputy Associate Directors of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: Jodi Archambault Gillette, Nicholas Rathod, and Michael Blake.

Readout on the President’s Meeting with Family Members of the Victims of the Attacks of September 11th and the Attack on the USS Cole

President Obama Signs Major Disaster Declaration for the Commonwealth of Kentucky
The President today declared a major disaster exists in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and ordered Federal aid to supplement Commonwealth and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter storm and flooding beginning on January 26, 2009, and continuing.

Obama Announces White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
President Barack Obama today signed an executive order establishing the new White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships will work on behalf of Americans committed to improving their communities, no matter their religious or political beliefs.

Vice President Biden: "400,000 Jobs to Be Created Nationwide by Investing in our Country's Infrastructure"
Washington, DC – After touring the Laurel, Maryland MARC Train Station, one of the thousands of rail and commuter stations all across the country in dire need of improvements, Vice President Joe Biden discussed why we must invest in our nation’s infrastructure in order to build a 21st century economy. He was joined by Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

White House Releases Additional State-Specific Impacts of American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
The White House today released additional state-specific details on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. The recovery plan will create and save jobs in the near future while addressing long-neglected needs that are critical to laying the foundation for a strong economic future.

Treasury Announces New Restrictions On Executive Compensation

State-By-State Employment Data on Impact of American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Duckworth Tapped for VA Assistant Secretary
President Barack Obama has announced his intent to nominate L. Tammy Duckworth, director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs, to be the Assistant Secretary of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Letter from Nancy Killefer to President Obama

Ron Sims To Be Nominated As HUD's Deputy Secretary
President Barack Obama today announced he intends to nominate Ron Sims, County Executive of King County, Washington, to become the Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Readout on President Obama's Calls to Iraqi President Talabani, Prime Minister Maliki and President Lee of the Republic of Korea
Below is a readout from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on President Obama’s calls to Iraqi President Talabani, Prime Minister Maliki and President Lee of the Republic of Korea.

Readout on Meeting with Democratic Congressional Leaders
The President had a productive meeting to discuss the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment plan with Democratic congressional leaders late this afternoon. They agreed on the urgency of passing effective legislation in the short term and committed to continue working together to achieve the bipartisan consensus that the President has sought throughout this process.

Obama Announces Middle Class Task Force
President Barack Obama today announced the creation of a White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families to be chaired by Vice President Joe Biden. The Task Force is a major initiative targeted at raising the living standards of middle-class, working families in America.

Obama Declares Major Disaster in Washington State
The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Washington and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter storm, landslides, mudslides, and flooding during the period of January 6-16, 2009.

Obama Signs Emergency Disaster Declaration for Missouri
Earlier this evening President Obama called Missouri Governor Jay Nixon about the severe winter storm. The President asked for an update on the situation and for the status of emergency response efforts. He informed the Governor that he would be signing his request for federal aid and would declare a federal emergency.

Remarks by the First Lady and Mrs. Lilly Ledbetter at Reception After Bill Signing
MRS. OBAMA: So thank you for joining us today for this important event, and welcome to the White House. (Applause.) As I told guests, feel free, walk around, touch some stuff. (Laughter.) Just don't break anything. (Laughter.) It's what I try to tell my kids. (Laughter.)

Readout on the President's Call to Prime Minister Aso of Japan
The President last evening had a substantive and wide-ranging telephone discussion with Prime Minister Aso of Japan.

President Obama Speaks with Governors Beebe and Beshear; Signs Emergency Declarations for Arkansas and Kentucky
Earlier this evening President Obama made phone calls to Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe and Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear about the severe winter storm in both states. The President asked the governors for updates on the situation in their states and for the status of emergency response efforts.

President Obama Announces Deputy Directors for Intergovernmental Affairs
Today, President Barack Obama announced that David Agnew and Sean McGrath will serve as Deputy Directors for the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

Obama Announces Deputy Directors for the National Economic Council
Today, President Barack Obama announced that Diana Farrell and Jason Furman will serve as Deputy Directors of the National Economic Council (NEC).

Obama Announces Key Additions to the Office of the White House Counsel
Today, President Barack Obama announced more key members of the Office of the White House Counsel, including Deputy Counsels and Special Counsel, Associate Counsels, Deputy Associate Counsels, Research Director, and Staff Assistants and Administrative Assistants.

Readout on the President's Calls to Foreign Leaders
The President had a warm, positive conversation with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

Dr. Jill Biden Announces Plans to Continue Teaching
Continuing her 28-year career as an educator, Dr. Jill Biden returned to teaching today at a DC-area community college. Dr. Biden will work as an adjunct professor at Northern Virginia Community College this semester, teaching two English courses.

Vice President Biden at Annual Munich Security Conference
The Vice President will travel to Germany at the end of next week to represent the United States and address the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy, also known as Wehrkunde. General James L. Jones, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, will also attend the conference.

WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Barack Obama Discusses New White House Report on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
In the weekly address released today, President Barack Obama discussed a new White House report on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which outlines the tangible impact that the plan will have on our economy.

President's calls to foreign leaders
This afternoon, President Obama made phone calls to three foreign leaders and to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Letter from OMB Director Orszag to Senator Conrad
Text of a January 22, 2009, letter from OMB Director Peter Orszag to Senator Kent Conrad.

President Barack Obama Announces Key DOJ Appointees
WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced the following Department of Justice (DOJ) appointees: David Kris, Assistant Attorney General for National Security; Tony West, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Division; Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for Criminal; and Christine Varney, Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust.

BACKGROUND: President Obama signs Executive Orders on Detention and Interrogation Policy
Executive Order requires closure of the Guantanamo detention center no later than one year from the date of the Order. Closure of the facility is the ultimate goal but not the first step. The Order establishes a review process with the goal of disposing of the detainees before closing the facility.


February 14, 2009

This week, I spent some time with Americans across the country who are hurting because of our economic crisis. People closing the businesses they scrimped and saved to start. Families losing the homes that were their stake in the American Dream. Folks who have given up trying to get ahead, and given in to the stark reality of just trying to get by.

They’ve been looking to those they sent to Washington for some hope at a time when they need it most.

This morning, I’m pleased to say that after a lively debate full of healthy difference of opinion, we have delivered real and tangible progress for the American people.

Congress has passed my economic recovery plan – an ambitious plan at a time we badly need it. It will save or create more than 3.5 million jobs over the next two years, ignite spending by business and consumers alike, and lay a new foundation for our lasting economic growth and prosperity.

This is a major milestone on our road to recovery, and I want to thank the Members of Congress who came together in common purpose to make it happen. Because they did, I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we’ll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work doing the work America needs done.

The work of modernizing our health care system, saving billions of dollars and countless lives; and upgrading classrooms, libraries, and labs in our children’s schools across America.

The work of building wind turbines and solar panels and the smart grid necessary to transport the clean energy they create; and laying broadband internet lines to connect rural homes, schools, and businesses to the information superhighway.

The work of repairing our crumbling roads and bridges, and our dangerously deficient dams and levees.

And we’ll help folks who’ve lost their jobs through no fault of their own by providing the unemployment benefits they need and protecting the health care they count on.

Now, some fear we won’t be able to effectively implement a plan of this size and scope, and I understand their skepticism. Washington hasn’t set a very good example in recent years. And with so much on the line, it’s time to begin doing things differently.

That’s why our goal must be to spend these precious dollars with unprecedented accountability, responsibility, and transparency. I’ve tasked my cabinet and staff to set up the kind of management, oversight, and disclosure that will help ensure that, and I will challenge state and local governments to do the same.

Once the plan is put into action, a new website – Recovery DOT gov – will allow any American to watch where the money goes and weigh in with comments and questions – and I encourage every American to do so. Ultimately, this is your money, and you deserve to know where it’s going and how it’s spent.

This historic step won’t be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but the beginning. The problems that led us into this crisis are deep and widespread. Our response must be equal to the task.

For our plan to succeed, we must stabilize, repair, and reform our banking system, and get credit flowing again to families and businesses.

We must write and enforce new rules of the road, to stop unscrupulous speculators from undermining our economy ever again.

We must stem the spread of foreclosures and do everything we can to help responsible homeowners stay in their homes.

And in the weeks ahead, I will submit a proposal for the federal budget that will begin to restore the discipline these challenging times demand. Our debt has doubled over the past eight years, and we’ve inherited a trillion-dollar deficit – which we must add to in the short term in order to jumpstart our sick economy. But our long-term economic growth demands that we tame our burgeoning federal deficit; that we invest in the things we need, and dispense with the things we don’t. This is a challenging agenda, but one we can and will achieve.

This morning, I’m reminded of words President Kennedy spoke in another time of uncertainty. "Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks."

America, we will prove equal to this task. It will take time, and it will take effort, but working together, we will turn this crisis into opportunity and emerge from our painful present into a brighter future. After a week spent with the fundamentally decent men and women of this nation, I have never been more certain of that. Thank you.

The American Reinvestment and Recovery Plan--by the numbers:

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PretzelWarrior Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 03:23 AM
Response to Original message
1. YEP! I agree! He's off to a great start.
No matter what jerks in media say. No matter the hacks at Foxnews. You've got it right there for us to see how quickly they've gone to work.

Actually, it is more what he has DONE that has the right wing up in arms rather than what he hasn't. He will consistently make them angry which will make me exceedingly happy and will benefit Americans. Just watch and see!!

Kicked and recommended.
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snowbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 03:48 AM
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2. Great Post !!!

(( ))

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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 05:03 AM
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3. Bush and Buddies drove our National Bus over the cliff and Obama not only
got it back up but is fixing it so we can use it opnce may take awhile but he is doing it....he is a worker...has America best interests at heart.

Pubs are reduced to sniping and whining....


Great Post...
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liberalla Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 07:02 AM
Response to Original message
4. He's got my support for sure. I trust him and look forward
to his continued work on behalf of the nation. :thumbsup:
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